Care of Mouth After Extractions

  • No spitting, drinking through a straw, or smoking for 3 to 4 days.
  • DO NOT RINSE MOUTH TODAY. Tomorrow rinse mouth gently every 3 to 4 hours (especially after meals) using one-quarter teaspoon of salt to one glass of warm water. Continue rinses for several days.
  • BLEEDING- following extractions, some bleeding is to be expected. If persistent bleeding occurs, place gauze pads over bleeding area and bite down firmly for one-half hour. Repeat if necessary.
  • SWELLING- Ice bag or chopped ice wrapped in a towel should be applied to external surgical area- one-half hour on and one-half hour off for 4 to 5 hours.
  • PAIN- for mild to average pain use any non-aspirin type of medication.
  • FOOD- light diet is advisable during the first 24 hours.
  • BONY EDGES- small sharp bone fragments may work up through the gums during healing. These are not roots. Please call us and return to this office for their simple removal.
  • If any unusual symptoms occur, call the office at once and if necessary follow after hours instructions given on answering machine.
  • The proper care following oral surgical procedures will accelerate recovery and prevent complications.

Care of Mouth After Implants

  • Spitting and using a straw is allowed, but please no smoking for 3 to 4 days.
  • RINSE- start rinsing your mouth gently starting today and every 3 to 4 hours (especially after meals) using one-quarter teaspoon of salt to one glass of warm water. Continue rinses for several days.
  • BLEEDING- following implants, some bleeding is to be expected. Do NOT use gauze.
  • SWELLING- Ice bag or chopped ice wrapped in a towel should be applied to external surgical area- one-half hour on and one-half hour off for 4 to 5 hours.
  • PAIN- for mild to average pain use any non-aspirin type of medication.
  • FOOD- light diet is advisable during the first 24 hours. Do not chew on the treated area for 3 weeks.
  • Use Peridex (blue fluid) with a cotton swab or Q-Tip 3 to 3 times a day.
  • BONY EDGES- small sharp bone fragments may work up through the gums during healing. These are not roots. Please call us and return to this office for their simple removal.
  • If any unusual symptoms occur, call the office at once and if necessary follow after hours instructions given on answering machine.
  • The proper care following oral surgical procedures will accelerate recovery and prevent complications.