No one likes going to the dentist. But if you suspect that you have a cavity, it’s important for you to go and have it taken care of. Below is an explanation of why you shouldn’t let cavities go untreated.

A Cavity Means You Have Tooth Decay

Cavities are small holes which develop upon the tooth when it starts decaying. There are harmful bacteria found in plaque sticking to your teeth. The bacteria creates acid will eat away at the tooth and lead to cavities if you don’t have the plaque removed. If it’s not treated, this cavity can become bigger and lead to the tooth having permanent damage

Allowing a cavity to fester is a lot commoner than you might believe. About 28% of adults have cavities that are untreated. Since they’re common, they believe that they’re able to be untreated. They don’t want to have a filling or they don’t want to spend the money. Unfortunately, it shouldn’t be left untreated.

If a Cavity Isn’t Treated, It Will Keep Growing

Cavities keep growing as time goes by. Once a cavity is created by bacteria, it’s going to keep growing if it’s filled. So that you can understand how cavities can damage a tooth, we will look at the parts of the tooth.

There are three parts in your tooth:

  • The enamel, which is the protective, hard outer layer
  • The dentin, which is the tooth’s middle layer
  • The pulp, which is the tooth’s inner layer, and this is what contains the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth

The tooth’s enamel is its first defense against bacteria that causes cavities. If you postpone your treatment, that bacteria is eventually going to get through your enamel, so it enters your dentin. Eventually, it’s going to get to your pulp.

If this happens, it can cause inflammation and it can get a lot worse so that you need the tooth pulled or to have the dreaded root canal done.

As you can see, it’s important for cavities to be treated quickly. Otherwise, they can cause a lot of problems.