As we all know, the greatest global health issue today is the COVID-19 Pandemic. The primary route of spread of the virus is through breathing expired air from someone who has the COVIS-19 virus.

This can also become a problem in a dental office with the generation of aerosols from the dental drill or ultrasonic scalers. The aerosol can help to suspend the coronavirus in the air causing increased transmission of the virus from an infected individual to another.

We have instituted several safeguards for patients and staff to address the issue of aerosols. Anyone who enters the office must have a face covering. Clinical staff are now wearing upgraded face masks that are N-95 or KN-95 as well as increased eye protection and if feasible face shields.

In each of our 13 dental treatment rooms we have installed the VidaShield air purifier. This device draws in room air, including aerosols and filters the air. The air is then drawn through an Ultraviolet-C light chamber which kills and inactivates bacteria, spores and viruses including the coronavirus before the air is returned to the treatment room. The treatment room air is exchanged 4 times an hour and the coronavirus is killed or inactivated 100% on a single pass through the VidaShield!

Outside the treatment rooms we have also installed into our common areas the Surgically Clean Air Jade Units. The Jade unit also recirculates the room air through a HEPA filter and an Ultraviolet-C light chamber to remove bacteria, spores and viruses.

Our dental equipment installer stated that only 5% of dental offices are incorporating this technology to reduce airborne contaminants. We at Panther Hollow Dental Lodge are committed to providing state of the art technology to protect the health of our patients and staff!