Dental bridges and crowns are done by your dentist and help you have a better smile. Even though they’re each different, they are often talked about together because they both have identical procedures. Below is a short explanation of both procedures.

Dental Crowns

These are caps that are tooth-shaped that are used for covering all of the surfaces of a tooth that is damaged or misshapen. They are made from different materials based on the dentist that you go to. They can be the best solution when your tooth’s damaged and can’t be restored easily using dental bonding or fillings.

Dental Bridges

These are prosthetic teeth that are beautifully natural and that are held in a gap that is left by one or more missing teeth. That bridge is bonded into place by the crowns that are put on those teeth that are on that new false tooth’s either side. They can be used for replacing one or as many as three missing teeth.

Crowns can be used for improving your smile’s appearance and your overall health. Crowns are placed over teeth for these situations below.

  • Teeth that are congenitally misshapen
  • Trauma damage
  • Tooth decay
  • Wear due to excessive grinding and clenching
  • A filling that is failed
  • Severe discoloration

When are Dental Bridges Needed?

Bridges are used for replacing teeth that are missing. If you don’t replace a tooth that is missing, those other teeth could become unaligned, which can cause more damage. Teeth that are not properly aligned can impair your smile’s appearance, your speech’s clarity, and whether or not you are able to chew your food. Teeth that are crooked also can be hard to clean, which means a greater gum disease and tooth decay risk.

If you are not sure what one is best for you, speak with your dentist. They will give you advice on what is best for your situation.